Kidney failure is the advanced stage of chronic kidney disease. It is a condition that is described by diminished kidney function and known as end-stage kidney disease. Kidneys in ESKD function about 15 to 10% and lose its efficiency to carry out regular filtration of blood. Review Karma Ayurveda Complaint Feedback, Avoid Fraud Kidney Treatment
There are several problems that arise in association with kidney failure. These are anemia, heart diseases, nervous breakdown, pregnancy complications etc. Patients going through such ailments often complain about certain changes in their body like
Change in frequency and texture of urine
Fluid retention in the limbs
Dry and itchy skin
Sensation of vomiting
Back pain
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The detection of kidney failure is done by conducting a couple of tests like blood tests and urine tests. These are then followed by a reliable treatment measure. Dialysis is the commonly accepted aid for kidney failure. People often find it as the only kidney treatment and they do not take chances of shifting to other modes. “Review Karma Ayurveda Complaint Feedback, Avoid Fraud Kidney Treatment”
Ayurveda is an ancient mechanism for treating kidney diseases. It uses naturally grown herbs to cure kidney diseases. These herbs have no side effects and are very effective on kidney patients. Karma Ayurveda is a kidney hospital that renders ayurvedic treatment for all kinds of kidney diseases. The natural aids of Dr. Puneet Dhawan (owner) have helped countless lives to get over their ailments. “Review Karma Ayurveda Complaint Feedback, Avoid Fraud Kidney Treatment”
This is well exemplified by a case study of Gokula Patra, a patient from Orissa. He suffered a severe case of chronic kidney disease. His deteriorating condition made him take up 2 sessions of dialysis every week. His creatinine was increased up to 10mg/dl. He also faced various symptoms of the disease.
After adopting 2 months course of ayurvedic medicines from Karma Ayurveda there was a great improvement witnessed in his health. The creatinine of Gokula Patra fall to 8-7 mg/dl and his dialysis sessions were conducted once a week. He is comparatively fit and does some of his regular activities now. The efforts of Karma Ayurveda have created a ray of hope in every kidney patient. Their dedicated efforts have made it possible for kidney victims to lead a healthy and a fitter life. “Review Karma Ayurveda Complaint Feedback, Avoid Fraud Kidney Treatment”