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What is IGA nephropathy?
IgA nephropathy, or Berger’s disease, is a kidney disease that occurs after the abnormal accumulation of IgA in the glomeruli (the filtering unit of Kidneys). Inflammation and damage caused by the immune system response impact the Kidney's ability to filter the waste and excess fluids. Over time, it may cause IgA nephropathy end-stage renal disease (ESRD), or kidney failure. At such times, modern treatment methods do not come up to scratch to cure the disease. Modern medicines slow down the progress of the disease as some may need treatment to decrease the swelling, reduce protein leakage, and prevent Kidney failure.
But don’t fret! You can find the cure for iga nephropathy in ayurveda. Taking ayurveda treatment for people with IGA nephropathy will be the best solution.
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What are the signs and symptoms of IGA nephropathy?
Signs and Symptoms of IgA nephropathy experienced by each individual can vary, and it may include -
- Blood in Urine or Hematuria - Blood in the urine is the most common sign, which may be visible or identified after laboratory tests.
- Proteinuria - The leakage of protein caused due to impaired kidney function.
- High Blood Pressure - The kidneys may struggle to regulate fluid balance, leading to elevated blood pressure.
- Swelling (Edema) - Edema or swelling, especially in the hands and feet, is a result of fluid retention.
- Pain in the Back - The back or abdomen may experience discomfort or pain.
IgA nephropathy is a kidney disorder and can happen to an individual at any age. IgA disease symptoms may initially occur in an individual’s late teens to 30s.
Who is at more risk of IgA nephropathy?
The risk factors for IgA nephropathy may include -
- Family history of IgA nephropathy.
- IgA vasculitis in the family history (Henoch-Schönlein purpura).
- Young adult male.
- It is more common in white people (European) and people of Asian heritage.
How are IgA nephropathy and ESRD related?
IgA nephropathy affects the glomeruli, and the type of glomerular disease happens when IgA builds up and damages the glomeruli. As a result, your kidneys let your blood and protein leak into the urine.
The nephrons may get scars triggered by autoimmune conditions, and can lead to Kidney disease. As the scar advances, you are likely to develop stage 3 kidney disease IgA nephropathy or end stage Kidney disease. The process can happen rapidly over months or can take as long as decades after the initial diagnosis. During ESRD, your kidneys cannot work correctly to keep you healthy.
Causes of IgA Nephropathy
Kidneys carry out many vital functions that maintain the body's balance. Each Kidney contains tiny blood vessels known as glomeruli. These blood vessels are known to filter the waste, extra water, and other substances from the blood. The filtered blood then goes back into the bloodstream, and the waste transmits into the bladder and sends it out of the body through urine
Immunoglobulin A (IgA) is a protein called an antibody part of the immune system. The immune system produces IgA to fight off infection and germs. These IgA accumulate in the glomeruli leading to inflammation and affect filtering ability over time. What causes IgA to build up in the kidneys? There are no potential reasons for IgA to build up in the kidneys. But it may relate to the following things -
- Genes - IgA nephropathy is common in some families and some ethnic groups, like people of Asian or European descent.
- Liver Disease - The liver condition in which scarring occurs in the place of normal tissue. Ayurveda treatment for liver cirrhosis is safe and natural.
- Infections - The infection may involve HIV and some bacterial infections.
While the exact cause of IGA nephropathy autoimmune disease remains unclear, it is believed to involve an abnormal immune system response. Genetic and environmental factors can cause the issue. Respiratory or gastrointestinal infection may also prompt glomerulonephritis autoimmune kidney disease.
Diagnosis of IGA Nephropathy
Diagnosis of IgA Nephropathy involves a combination of clinical evaluation and diagnostic tests. Your healthcare experts may ask you about your symptoms and medical and family history.
- Physical Examination - This involves reviewing blood pressure and checking if there is a sign of swelling.
- Urinalysis - to check blood and protein in the urine.
- Blood Tests - to examine levels of cholesterol, protein, and waste in the blood.
- eGFR or Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate Blood Tests - to consider the blood filtering efficiency of kidneys every minute.
- Kidney Biopsy - A sample of tissue from the kidneys aids to confirm the diagnosis and evaluate the extent of damage caused.
- 24-hour Urine Studies - to examine how much protein or albumin is being lost in your urine during the period.
Complications of IGA Nephropathy
The course of IgA nephropathy is unique to each individual. Some people have the disease for years with few or no problems, while others don’t get diagnosed. Patients may develop one or more of the following complications: -
- High Blood Pressure - IgA buildup causes kidney damage, resulting in elevated blood pressure. High blood pressure can affect the kidneys severely.
- High Cholesterol - High cholesterol levels can increase the risk of a heart attack.
- Acute Kidney Failure - If the kidneys can’t filter the blood efficiently due to the formation of IgA, the level of waste products escalates quickly in the blood. If kidney function gets worse very quickly, healthcare professionals may consider it a rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis.
- Chronic Kidney Disease - Over time, IgA nephropathy can cause the kidneys to stop functioning.
- Nephrotic Syndrome - Nephrotic syndrome is a group of symptoms that happens due to damage to the glomeruli. Several issues may appear such as low blood protein levels, high cholesterol, and lipids, and swelling in feet, stomach, and eyelids.
- Proteinuria - Persistent leakage of protein is a sign of kidney problems.
Prevention of IGA Nephropathy
As of now, the causes of IGA nephropathy have not been recognized, so there are no preventive strategies for IgA nephropathy. However, you can lead a healthy lifestyle by managing high blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Consult the doctor for IgA nephropathy ayurvedic treatment. Tell your doctor if you have a family history of the disease.
IGA Nephropathy Treatment in Ayurveda
The treatment for IgA nephropathy has not been understood as of now. Medicines are given to slow down the progress of the condition. The Ayurvedic treatment for IGA nephropathy aims to promote holistic well-being while addressing the root cause of the problem. Dialysis is an option considered in allopathy, but it is a temporary and unnatural method. IgA autoimmune kidney disease treatment from Karma Ayurveda can help you procure quality care and treatment. Ayurvedic kidney specialists map out an effective treatment plan that helps you recover from Kidney issues.
Herbs and Medicines
Ayurvedic medicines have herbs that help the body naturally treat any condition, causing no side effects. Ayurvedic medicine for iga nephropathy begins after analysing and understanding the illness and then treating the disease with herbs and medicine. Ayurvedic herbs recommended for the Iga nephropathy treatment are Gokshur, Apamarg, Punarnanava, Varun, Kaasni, Rakt Chandan. Consume it only under the supervision of medical doctors.
Book an appointment with Karma Ayurveda
Karma Ayurveda is the most trusted Ayurvedic clinic that has successfully treated many Kidney patients across the globe with a complete herbal procedure. Karma Ayurveda incorporates therapeutic assistance for IgA nephropathy, medicines, natural remedies, diet and lifestyle to the patients for glomerulonephritis iga nephropathy in Ayurveda treatment.
The hospital has well-qualified Ayurvedic Kidney specialists who offer personalised treatment plans that are based on natural herbs and techniques to improve kidney function and prevent further damage. The offered treatment not only treats the symptoms but addresses the underlying cause of the kidney disease.
Some of the key features of Karma Ayurveda are -
- Well-qualified Ayurveda doctors.
- Ayurvedic therapies.
- 100% Natural treatment.
- Expert consultation.
- Dietary guidelines.
- Happy & Satisfied Patients.
If you get treatment from Karma Ayurveda, you can stay assured as your treatment is in safe hands.
What are the effects of iga nephropathy on other organs in the body, and how is this considered in treatment?
IgA nephropathy targets the glomeruli. The injury leads the kidneys to leak blood (hematuria) and protein (proteinuria) into the urine. Eventually, the nephrons may scar and cause renal disease. During ayurvedic nephropathy treatment, the negative repercussions of sickness are considered, and herbal remedies are used accordingly.
Can pregnancy be safely managed for individuals with iga nephropathy, and are there special considerations?
To deal with nephropathy, it is important that you follow the treatment plan well. During the phase of pregnancy, the Ayurvedacharya will examine the entire medical condition and pay attention to what measures need to be taken.
Is there a specific diet plan that focuses on supporting kidney health during iga nephropathy treatment?
Opt for foods that are low on potassium and sodium to maintain the electrolyte balance in the body. It is important to understand that the electrolyte balance should be maintained so that not much pressure is exerted on the kidneys.
How does smoking and alcohol consumption affect iga nephropathy treatment outcomes?
Elements present in alcoholic drinks and the cigarettes are identified as toxins in the body. Generally, kidneys perform function of filtration but they fail to eliminate them during the diseased condition. Therefore, you need to focus on quitting them both gradually.
Can Ayurvedic treatment be customised based on individual variations in iga nephropathy?
Ayurvedic treatments for nephropathy can be personalised. The doctors at Karma Ayurveda will carefully analyse the reports and run a diagnosis as well. This will let them understand your dosha imbalance which is then corrected with the help of herbal treatment plans.