Let’s see how Dr. Puneet Dhawan cures the patient without using dialysis or a kidney transplant kind of procedures. Mr. Dinesh Pathak, who was suffering from kidney disease and its complications and got relief from Ayurvedic treatment by Karma Ayurveda. Let’s find out how.
Kidney disease or kidney failure not only affects the patient; however, it additionally becomes a matter of worry for the entire family. A kidney patient only wants to get help from the illness either by Ayurvedic treatment or allopathic treatment. But, allopathic treatment doesn't turn appropriate for an individual with kidney disease, like Ayurvedic treatment. That is the motivation behind why a lot of kidney patients, from renal replacement therapy such as dialysis or a kidney transplant, approached to Dr. Puneet Dhawan at Karma Ayurveda for better treatment. Here is a story of a kidney patient who is taking Ayurvedic treatment for kidney disease from Dr. Puneet Dhawan.
The patient Mr. Dinesh Kumar Pathak from Lucknow was experiencing kidney disease and its complications. The time when he visited at Karma Ayurveda, he was already getting an allopathic treatment due to which his creatinine was 1.7mg/dL, and GFR was 30. But when he got to know about Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment in Lucknow, he contacts Dr. Puneet Dhawan and after taking Ayurvedic, his creatinine reduced to 1.43mg/dL and GFR increased to 49.
Today, the patient is physically fit to perform his day-to-day life routine work including his job. Ayurvedic treatment not only heals the disease but also work on to prevent its causes. That is why Karma Ayurveda is known as one of the top kidney disease treatment centers in Delhi, where thousands of kidney patients got relief from dangerous kidney diseases.
Once again, Karma Ayurveda proved that Ayurveda has the strength to work on healing kidney-related illnesses without utilizing dialysis or a kidney transplant kind of procedures.
Dr. Puneet Dhawan said “The only way to keep your kidneys healthy is simple: Ayurvedic medication. The human body has the natural power to cure the illness of its own; Ayurvedic treatment only helps the body by providing natural herbs include yoga stances and sound eating regimen.
On the off chance, if you or anybody in your family has kidney disease and its complications, then consult Dr. Puneet Dhawan at Karma Ayurveda to get relief from this hazardous disease without any side effects and live a disease-free life.