Orthostatic proteinuria or postural proteinuria is defined as usual urinary protein excretion during the night but increased excretion during the day, associated with activity and upright posture. A complete urinary protein excretion may be increased and is more likely to be associated with an underlying renal disease. An Ayurvedic Orthostatic Proteinuria Treatment can help in the faster recovery of the disease.
Signs and symptoms
The symptoms of renal failure are, however, the same. There is oliguria i.e. passage of less than 500 ml urine in 24 hours or anuria i.e. no passage of urine. There might be pain overlying the kidneys and/or tenderness over the flanks. Swelling in the feet, high blood pressure and proteinuria are common accompaniments. There might be hematuria i.e. passage of blood in the urine i.e. pus in the urine. In cases of acute infections leading to the renal shutdown, usually, there is burning or pain while passing urine and there might be a history of increased frequency of passing urine followed by stoppage. Usually, there will also be the signs of the cause of the kidney failure e.g. a stone in the ureter seen on an abdominal ultrasound. “Orthostatic Proteinuria Treatment”
Important lab tests
Urinalysis: An initial check for possible urinary tract infection, diabetes or other possible causes of proteinuria
Quantifying proteinuria: A 24-hour urine collection for protein, creatinine clearance and differential urinary protein are the best method
Alternatively, the urinary albumin-creatinine ratio from overnight to daytime urine samples which can be compared
Normal night-time protein emission with increased protein excretion during the day indicates an orthostatic proteinuria
Midstream urine: microscopy and sensitivities can be felt if a urinary tract infection is suspected “Orthostatic Proteinuria Treatment”
Blood tests such as blood glucose, U&Es and serum proteins.
There are many imaging tests such as CT angiography, Doppler ultrasound, and MR angiography
Other investigations include: imaging of the urinary tract, a renal biopsy which may be required if the diagnosis remains in doubt
Ayurvedic treatment
Most people opt for dialysis or transplant advanced stages of orthostatic proteinuria. A diagnosis should be done when the kidney is not able to function normally. It is an artificial treatment of removing metabolic waste and act as an alternate to kidneys until final transplant. Kidney transplant, on the other hand, is a surgical replacement of diseased kidney with a new donated kidney and the patient mainly lives on long-term medications.
Ayurvedic treatment has proven to be very victorious in treating kidney patients. Ayurveda makes use of natural herbs and remedies. The Ayurvedic medicines have no side-effects, unlike allopathic medications. One of the well known and respected Ayurveda treatment centers in Asia is Karma Ayurveda. Karma Ayurveda has been successfully treating orthostatic proteinuria and all other types of kidney malfunction since 1937. The patients are provided with 100% natural and authentic orthostatic proteinuria treatment which have cured them completely. “Kidney Treatment in Ayurveda”