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Kidney Problem Treatment

Some individuals suffering from kidney failure seem to have effectively avoided these troubles some failures out of their system within hours of drinking all these berry juices. It also seems to have assisted some in clearing their urinary tract infections under check. But then, there are some others who believe that these juices in excess have actually contributed to this abnormal formation of stones in their urinary tract due to its high oxalate content.

Studies have shown that increasing your fiber intake may help in kidney function.

Start by including more fiber-rich foods in your diet. Although it sounds simple, there is a caution... Patients with kidney disease must be careful in choosing their fiber-containing foods. They should be consuming low potassium options, and I recommend the following foods which are super healthy and super kidney-friendly.

Blueberries - Its Benefits in Kidney Problem Treatment

This low potassium highly nutritious anti-oxidant fruit has 112mg of potassium per cup and 3.5 grams of fiber. They make excellent snacks and I usually add frozen blueberries to fruit shakes to make a delicious beverage during the hot summer days. You can even add supplemental fiber (dissolved below) to fruit shakes for added kidney benefit!

Cranberry - Its Benefits in Kidney Problem Treatment

Cranberry is mainly grown in North America, and it has a beautiful color and sweet taste, making it loved by people around the world. In fact, cranberries are a good choice for patients with kidney disease because they can provide many benefits to kidney patients. Cranberries are famous for their effect of preventing infections, like urinary tract infections. While infections can aggravate a patient's condition seriously, it is important for patients to prevent infections, and taking cranberries will be a great help.

Raspberries - Its Benefits in Kidney Problem Treatment

Raspberries can range in color from the popular red and black varieties to purple, yellow, or golden. Each color berry has a unique composition of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Raspberries contain powerful antioxidants that work against free radicals, inhibiting tumor growth and decreasing inflammation in the body.

Strawberries - Its Benefits in Kidney Problem Treatment

Strawberries in our daily life, it is easy to find that many strawberries bought from the market look bright and delicious, but they often don't taste as good as we think. Additionally, some grotesque strawberries that use swelling agents are commonly seen in the market. These agents are often used in the growth of strawberries to promote cell division and increase the size of the fruits. While they serve these functions, they are also used to maintain the quality of strawberries.

Merchants are allowed to use swelling agents in the marketing of strawberries, but they should ensure the normal amount of it. On this occasion, if you eat strawberries with qualified swelling agents, they pose no harm to your body, and patients with kidney disease can also eat the right amount of strawberries.



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