
Your kidneys are responsible for filtering excess fluids and waste products from your blood. Your kidneys help your body to prevent waste which builds in your body. They also keep electrolytes, such as sodium, phosphates, and potassium at stable levels. Individuals having kidney disease can impair the functioning of their kidneys. In that condition, your kidneys are not able to regulate potassium efficiently. This can cause a dangerous level of potassium to remain in the blood.

Some medicines can be used to treat other illnesses which can raise potassium levels in your body and can add to the problems. Potassium level increases gradually over some time and can develop over weeks or months. Because of this, you may feel tired or nauseous all the time. It may also cause other serious health issues like difficulty in breathing chest pain or some cases, heart disease.

What is dialysis?

It is a medical procedure that is performed when your kidneys are not able to perform their functions as they usually do. In this procedure, your blood is drained out from your body and is filtered in an artificial kidney. This artificial kidney or dialysis machine performs all the functions of your kidneys but outside your body. Allopathic doctors usually recommend this to control your blood creatinine and blood urea levels. These are the waste materials present inside your body that are formed due to muscle metabolism and can harm the functioning of your kidneys.

In some cases, creatinine and blood urea are not able to control and gradually increase even if the patient is living on dialysis. It doesn’t guarantee permanent solutions for kidney disease but can help you live a little longer. If your creatinine blood urea level is not able to control, then your doctor may suggest you kidney transplant as the therapy for kidney failure.

Symptoms of high potassium levels in your blood

Some of the symptoms of having a high potassium level in your body are as follows:

  • Laziness or weakness
  • Feeling of tingle
  • Nausea or tiredness
  • Vomiting
  • Trouble in breathing
  • Chest pain or pressure in your chest
  • Abnormal heartbeats

If you start facing the above-mentioned symptoms, then reach out to your care provider. This health condition is also called hyperkalemia and requires prompt medical care.

How can you reduce potassium build-up in your body?

If you want to reduce the potassium level in your body naturally, then you have to change your daily routine and have to make some dietary changes. Before going for dietary changes, you have to first recognize which foods are considered as high potassium foods and which are low. If you are buying any packed meal, then always read the ingredient label on that product. It is always better to control the quantity of food that you consume, rather than avoiding them. If you are facing any sort of renal disorder, then portion control can be beneficial for your kidneys.

Kidney disease & potassium: Diets Do's and dont's

Strawberries and blueberries are low in potassium


  • Apples
  • Grapefruit
  • Pineapple
  • Cranberries and cranberry juice
  • Cauliflower
  • Broccoli
  • Eggplant
  • Green beans
  • White rice
  • White pasta
  • White bread
  • Salmon


  • Bananas
  • Avocados
  • Raisins
  • Prunes and prune juice
  • oranges and Orange Juice
  • Tomatoes, tomato sauce, and tomato juice
  • Lentils
  • Spinach
  • Sprouts
  • Split peas
  • Potatoes (both types of potatoes)
  • Pumpkin
  • Dried apricot
  • Brown rice
  • Whole wheat products like pasta and bread
  • Milk
  • Bran products
  • Low-sodium cheese
  • Nuts
  • Beef
  • Chicken
  • Tuna fish

These foods must be avoided if they contain more than 200 mg per serving. These should be consumed in very small quantities or must be avoided as much as you can.

How much potassium is safe for your kidneys and body?

Individuals with healthy kidneys need approximately 4700 ms of potassium in their daily diet. If you are having any sort of Kidney disease, then you should consume potassium of less than 1500 to 2700 ms each day. You have to understand the relationship between kidney disease and potassium. If you have any signs of high potassium, then your doctor may recommend a blood test to check the potassium level in your blood. This test will determine the monthly level of potassium in millimoles per liter of blood (mmol/L).

Their measurement is divided into three levels that are as follows:

  • Safe level: 3.5 to 5.0 mmol/L
  • Caution level: 5.1 to 6.0 mmol/L
  • Danger level: 6.0 mmol/L or higher

Your doctor may work with you to determine how much potassium food your body needs for daily routine work. They also monitor creatinine and blood urea levels in your blood to check the functionality of your kidneys. Ayurveda is considered the best and most effective way to treat kidney disease without any side effects on any organ of your body.

Kidney disease can affect your other nutritional needs

If you have kidney disease, First thing you have to keep in mind that you ought to restrict the protein-rich diet. You can do this by eating a smaller portion of protein and avoiding chicken and beef as much as you can. A protein-rich diet can force your kidneys to work extra for your body which can impair the functioning of your kidneys. It only can be reversed with the help of Ayurvedic herbs.

Sodium:  Sodium can increase your thirst and lead to drinking too much fluid which can cause swelling in some parts of your body. Sodium can lead to increased blood pressure which is one of the leading causes of kidney disease. Sodium is mostly found in all packaged foods, so make sure to read the labels before taking packaged foods. You can use herbs and other seasonings that don’t include potassium food and sodium.

Phosphorus: You will need to take phosphorus in a limited amount as this can prevent your phosphorus level from getting too high. If your phosphorus level increases, it can decrease the calcium level in your body which can lead to weak bones.

Cholesterol: Your doctor may also advise you to limit your cholesterol and total fat intake. When your kidneys are not able to perform their functions, then the consumption of these items may harm your body. Becoming obese because of a poor diet can also put extra stress on your kidneys.

Relationship between kidney disease and potassium

If you have kidney disease, then diminishing potassium consumption can be a vital aspect of your day-to-day life. You have to control your diet and monitor your potassium level regularly. If your potassium level is not able to be controlled with medicines, then allopathic doctors may suggest dialysis as the treatment of kidney failure. But this is not at all a reliable treatment for your kidneys.

Your doctor may refer you to a renal dietician who can help you with this health condition by avoiding high-potassium foods, protein-rich diet, and sodium. They may provide you with a diet chart that can be very beneficial for your kidneys. Try to avoid restaurant food because it can create problems for your kidneys. They don’t know that you are suffering from renal disease; the chef prepares food for individuals having a healthy kidney which is why you have to avoid these food items. Fluid intake is a crucial part of the treatment when you are suffering from kidney disease. Always consult your doctor about how much fluid you should consume.

How can Ayurveda replace Dialysis?

Dialysis is an allopathic treatment, and no doubt, it uses advanced technology to treat kidney patients. In this procedure, blood is drained out from your body and filtered outside your body. After this process, blood is again sent back to your body for the proper functioning of your body. If you are facing any sort of renal disorder, then high-potassium foods must be avoided as much as you can because they can lead to irregular function in your body. Ayurveda uses natural herbs that are strong enough to tackle any disease without any drastic side-effect on any organ of your body. Because of its natural healing system, Ayurveda can replace dialysis as an Ayurvedic remedy for kidney failure.

Ayurveda not only treats illness but also maintains an appropriate balance between mind, body, and soul. Karma Ayurveda is one such healthcare center that provides a proper diet chart for the treatment of kidney disease. Here, a specialized team of Dr. Puneet Dhawan provides the most reliable and effective way to treat kidney disease without using any harmful procedures like dialysis and kidney transplants. If you are also facing any kind of renal infection, then a single visit can help you to revive the functionality of your kidneys.


Certificate no- AH-2023-0186

JAN 05,2023-JAN 04,2026

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