Kidneys are the most important organs of the body. They conduct various functions in the body to keep it healthy and moving. Any disease associated with kidneys lead to their reduced functioning. The decreased kidney function give birth to various problems such as swelling of the extremities, increased creatinine levels, reduced urine output, fatigue and vomiting, and nausea. When kidney disease becomes chronic, it leads to the condition of kidney failure. This puts life at stake and becomes a leading cause of death. Review Karma Ayurveda, Avoid Fake Fraud Kidney Treatment & Complaints
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Allopathy treats kidney diseases through dialysis and a kidney transplant. Undoubtedly both these methods involve a lot of side effects and only provide a temporary relief to the patient. Dialysis is an artificial filtration procedure that is conducted approximately thrice a week. Kidney transplant, on the other hand, is an implantation of the new donated kidney in place of a failed kidney. Both these procedures are expensive and time-consuming. “Review Karma Ayurveda, Avoid Fake Fraud Kidney Treatment & Complaints”.
Ayurveda has proved to be the best alternative to these technical mechanisms. It uses unrefined natural ingredients that have medicinal properties. These herbs are further used in ayurvedic medicines to curb the disease from the root cause. Being natural, ayurvedic medicines have zero side effects and provide permanent relief. Kidney Shrinkage Treatment
Karma Ayurveda is a well-recognized kidney hospital that was set up in 1937 by the Dhawan family. The centre is currently led by a proficient physician and the 5th generation of Dhawan family Dr. Puneet Dhawan. The medical experts of the hospital encounter numerous kidney related impairments and provide purely nature based treatment to them. “Review Karma Ayurveda, Avoid Fake Fraud Kidney Treatment & Complaints”.
A patient named Chanda Devi from UP suffered from chronic kidney disease. She was taking up 2 sessions of dialysis every week from past 3 months. She witnessed various symptoms such as
Increased urea
Increased creatinine -12 mg/dl
After switching to ayurvedic treatment from Karma Ayurveda hospital her creatinine levels reduced to 4.23mg and there was a great boost to her health. Patients like Chanda Devi set an example and become very well evident of the power of Karma Ayurveda medicines. “Review Karma Ayurveda, Avoid Fake Fraud Kidney Treatment & Complaints”.