Karma Ayurveda Kidney Patient Review Name – Mr. Pooran Singh

Creatinine level reduced from 4.79 to 3.52mg/dL

If as a kidney survivor, you want to live a complication-free life without dialysis, then head to Karma Ayurveda for Ayurvedic treatment. Yes, Ayurveda is the only method through which you can completely terminate your sort of kidney disease and disorder. Karma Ayurveda is a kidney care treatment center, you can say it an institution, where you will know about the art of Ayurvedic science. Here, Dr. Puneet Dhawan with his expert teams is diligently working to heal kidney patients with the help of Ayurvedic medical science. With his sheer determination and devotion, Dr. Puneet Dhawan is promoting a motto 'Stop Kidney Dialysis', so every kidney survivor can take natural treatment for their type of kidney illnesses. If you do not believe that Ayurvedic medications can prevent kidney-related problems effectively. Here is an instance of a kidney patient, who took Ayurvedic treatment from which he has been able to get relief from his kidney disease. Mr. Pooran Singh is a native of Aligarh, was experiencing illness and complications related to the kidney. Due to the unhealthy kidney, Mr. Pooran was suffering from health problems like swelling in the feet, and poor appetite. Along with this, Mr. Pooran’s creatinine level reached to 4.79mg/dL, and leakage of proteins measured 100mg/dL. At that time, Mr. Pooran was consuming Allopathic medications from which he only got disappointment, instead of positive results. His Allopathic doctors recommended him that he needs to opt for dialysis, and then renal replacement therapy. But, meantime, Mr. Pooran got to know about Karma Ayurveda through one of their relatives. After satisfying about the benefits and results of taking Ayurvedic treatment for kidney disease through Dr. Puneet Dhawan, Mr. Pooran contacted him and started his treatment. By consuming Ayurvedic medications, following a renal diet plan, adopting a healthy dietary routine, and practicing yoga, Mr. Pooran’s high creatinine level reduced to 3.52mg/dL. Along with this, Mr. Pooran also got relieved from the other problems related to kidney disease like proteins leakage measured to 30mg/dL. Dr. Puneet Dhawan has proved this fact that if you take Ayurvedic treatment for your kidney problems, then you do not need to opt for taking longer and painful treatments like dialysis. The Ayurvedic treatment provides you with an opportunity to live a disease-free life. In Karma Ayurveda, there are more than 35000 kidney patients like Mr. Pooran, who took Ayurvedic treatment for kidney disease and completely got relieved from their sort of kidney illnesses. In case, if you have problems linked with the kidney, then you do not need to opt for the detrimental procedures like dialysis or renal replacement therapy, Ayurvedic treatment can help you out. Stop Kidney dialysis via Ayurveda!


Certificate no- AH-2023-0186

JAN 05,2023-JAN 04,2026

"Ayurveda is not just a system of medicine; it's a way of life. Connect with us to embrace a lifestyle that nurtures your body, mind, and soul."

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