Kidney failure

Kidney problems are becoming very common among diabetic and high blood-sugar level patients. These diseases mostly prevail in old and middle age. Kidneys play an important role in the filter of waste products and extra fluid from the body. If the kidney is damaged the waste starts building up in the body and it can harm the kidneys and other organs of the body.

Causes and symptoms of kidney disease

The most dangerous aspect of a kidney disease symptom is that it is only visible in later stages. Some of the common signs that one can experience are:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Very frequent urge to urinate
  • A change in color of the urine as it becomes darker in color
  • Foamy and bad-smelling urine
  • Swollen ankles, feet, and hands
  • Tiredness and shortness in breath
  • Muscle cramps
  • Dry and itchy skin
  • Abnormal weight loss or gain
  • Pain in the abdomen, joints, and back

The two most common causes of kidney disease are diabetes and high blood pressure. The other common causes of kidney disease are kidney stones, hypertension, high creatinine level, polycystic kidney disease, nephrotic syndrome, tumor or cancer, physical injury to the kidneys and prolonged intake of medicines. All these causes can eventually result in kidney failure.

How can we stop kidney dialysis?

Dialysis is one of the very common allopathic treatments that are done when the kidneys fail to perform its functions. Dialysis is an artificial process of purifying the blood in the body. It makes use of a machine outside the body which is connected with the body through tubes. There are mainly two types of kidney dialysis is:

  • Hemodialysis is a process in which an artificial kidney is used to remove waste and extra fluid from the body. The blood in the artificial kidney needs to make an entrance into the blood vessel by fistula
  • Peritoneal dialysis is a type of dialysis that is cleaned inside the body. In this treatment, the abdominal area is filled with dialysate and it draws out the waste from the body.

However, dialysis doesn’t correct the endorphin level and neither treats the kidney problem.

Diet guidelines to follow during dialysis

A dialysis patient must follow a special diet to avoid any further damage in the body. Lower intake of sodium and potassium in the meal helps the kidneys to filter the waste more easily. High-quality protein is important for the kidneys as they provide energy to the kidneys. One must consume an abundant amount of water for easy passage of waste. One should add on fresh vegetable stew and fruits rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants to their meal. Alcohol, packed food, and coffee should be avoided completely.

Ayurvedic Kidney failure treatment

Ayurveda is an age-old method of treating conditions related to the body by natural methods. Ayurvedic kidney failure treatment makes use of herbs and natural methods. One of the best clinics providing kidney treatment is Karma Ayurveda. The clinic has successfully treated millions of patients with a different type of kidney problems.


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