Proteinuria is a condition in which the patient has an excess amount of serum proteins in the urine. The kidneys are not able to filter the excessive protein from the blood resulting in chronic kidney disease (CKD). The kidneys filter a variety of waste that ensures that all the nutrients and another acid like amino acids are left in the body.

There are many reasons for such a condition can prevail, but three main reasons are:-

  • A disease in glomeruli.

  • Increase in quantity of proteins in serum

  • Low re-absorption rate at proximal tubule.

You can diagnose this condition with a dipstick test which confirms the amount of protein in the urine. Proteinuria is a very common problem among diabetic patients. It is better to start a quick Ayurvedic Proteinuria Treatment before any further damage.

Ayurvedic Proteinuria Treatment in CKD and Diet Plan

Ayurveda is an ancient practice for curing all kinds of physical ailments. CKD patients can be cured with Ayurvedic treatment with the use of natural herbs and a healthy lifestyle. Chronic kidney disease can become a very serious kidney dysfunction if not treated on time. The improper working of the kidneys can result in the building up of waste in the body. The herbs used in the treatment have healing properties and revive the kidney cells. Herbal medicines along with a healthy lifestyle are necessary.

A proper diet plan is a solution for faster recovery from kidney disease. One must keep certain points in mind while planning their diet chart:-

  • High-protein food such as red meat, milk, eggs, and beans, should be limited.

  • Salty food with high sodium levels should be avoided as it is bound to increase blood sugar levels.

  • You must balance the intake of fluids, so one must consume fruits with a higher water level.

  • You must maintain a good phosphorus level in the body if it is not balanced it can cause undue pressure on the kidney.

  • Alcohol consumption and smoking should be strictly avoided as it can cause more damage to your kidneys.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Proteinuria and Diet Plan

Ayurvedic Proteinuria Treatment takes time but has proven to be a permanent solution without any side effects. Karma Ayurveda is a wholesome clinic that uses only 100% organic and natural techniques for curing their patients. The herbs used are believed to reverse the disease, some of the commonly used herbs are:

  • Rhubarb is an ancient perennial herb that is used for centuries to cure kidney conditions. These herbs regulate triglyceride levels, and cholesterol levels and help in reducing blood sugar levels.

  • Dandelion is an excellent herb that contains essential vitamins, minerals, proteins and diuretics that boost the kidneys.

  • Astragalus is another highly effective herb that treats kidney failure. This herb contains alkaloids, flavonoids, minerals, vitamins, copper, and chlorine.

  • Milk thistle is mainly included in Ayurvedic medicines as it shows signs of curing diabetes. This herb has antioxidants that can help the kidneys to function better and knock out free radicals.

Ayurvedic Proteinuria Treatment and Diet - Karma Ayurveda

The diet along with Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria is important in early recovery. The diet should include natural organic food, mainly food that is low in protein, sodium, and phosphorous are easier for the kidneys to filter such as vegetable stews, fruits, skimmed milk, and other substances.


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JAN 05,2023-JAN 04,2026

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