Ayurvedic Kidney Disease Treatment Naturally

Have you ever heard about Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment naturally? If not, then this blog post is definitely for you. In this blog, we have mentioned the story of a kidney disease survivor who took Ayurvedic treatment. And, through the testimonial, you will get to know about the benefits of adopting Ayurveda. Before starting the main topic, let’s take a look at some myths related to Ayurvedic treatment. And a little bit about kidneys.  You may be familiar with the job roles of the kidneys. But, do you know about the symptoms that occurred when something obstructs your renal system. At the end of the blog, we have mentioned some main and common symptoms of kidney disease.

ayurveda kidney disease treatment naturally

Ayurvedic Kidney Treatment is Only About Natural Herbs

Kidneys are the imperative organs of the human anatomy that purify the blood by excreting the waste with the urine. They form hormones that are vital in the production of red blood cells and to keep your blood pressure in control. Outside of that, the renal system is also crucial for other organs. So, if your kidneys are failed or diseased, then you should opt for Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment naturally. That works to rejuvenate the damaged kidney and terminate the disease. The myths correlated with Ayurvedic treatment- 

  1. Ayurvedic medications take time to cure a disease. No, it is not true. This treatment works to end a disease by terminating its main causes, symptoms, and complications.
  2. Ayurvedic medications have no side effects. No, it is also not true. Yes, there are some side effects of taking Ayurvedic medications. But, these side effects are nondangerous. 
  3. Ayurvedic treatment is only about natural herbs. Yes, Ayurvedic medications are made up of natural ingredients, and herbs. But, there are more things in Ayurveda like diet plan, yoga, precautions, and so on. 
  4. Ayurvedic lifestyle is tough to follow. It is because it demands a lot from you. Ayurvedic lifestyle does not mean to eat only green vegetables. But, it is about to lead a healthy life. 

If you are one of those who believe that Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment naturally is not enough for you. And, you believe in all these 4 myths related to Ayurveda, then click on this link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNF_JPbeVmc&feature=youtu.be

Story of a kidney disease survivor who took Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment naturally.

It is a story of Mr. Mahendra Puri Goswami from Udaipur, Rajasthan. He was battling kidney disease and its uremic symptoms like weakness and swelling in the body. He had tried various medications to treat his disease. But, none of them was potent enough to terminate his disease.  One day, Mr. Mahendra’s allopathic doctor told him that dialysis is the only method, he had to cure his diseased kidney. But, the son of Mr. Mahendra was not in favor of dialysis. He had studied the negative effects of taking dialysis. And, he also got information from the patients who are on dialysis that this treatment is dangerous. Meantime, when Mr. Mahendra’s son was looking for an alternative to dialysis, he got to know about Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment naturally via YouTube.

He gathers information about the merits and demerits of taking Ayurvedic treatment. After gathering much information, he decided to consult an Ayurvedachrya for his father’s treatment.  Before started taking Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment naturally, Mr. Mahendra’s serum creatinine level was 7.26mg/dL. And, his hemoglobin level was also very low. Outside of that, Mr. Mahendra was also suffering from a chronic cough.  But, with the help of Ayurvedic medications, and following a diet plan prescribed by Ayurvedacharya. The patient’s serum creatinine level came down to 6.90mg/dL. And, his hemoglobin increased to 10, which was 9.3. Along with that, Mr. Mahendra also got relieved from his chronic cough, and kidney disease plus its uremic symptoms. And, outside of that, Mr. Mahendra’s weight also reduced to the normal range, which was more than 100.  Now, the patient is not only free from his disease, but he also gets relief from the protocol of dialysis. 

kidney infection treatment in ayurveda

Ayurvedic Kidney Disease Treatment Naturally

Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment naturally is not only a medical method to terminate a health problem. But, it is a hope for the people who have kidney diseases, and for that, they are looking for a permanent solution. Numerous people have lost their lives because they didn’t take treatment on time. On the other hand, some people do not even know that they have kidney disease. So, in case, if you are suffering from one or more than one of the following health problems, then consult Ayrurvedacharya. 

  1. Diabetes
  2. High blood pressure 
  3. Repeated urinary tract infection 
  4. BPH (Benign prostatic hyperplasia)
  5. Swelling some parts of the body like legs, face, or hands 
  6. Frequent or sometimes less urination 
  7. Difficulty in passing urine 
  8. Blood in the urine 
  9. Foamy or bubbly urine 
  10. Weakness, tiredness, or breathlessness

That is it. If you have kidney-related problems, then take Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment naturally.


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